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  • Sanitiser station

  • Deep antiviral clean of whole school before classes

  • Cleaning between classes

  • Staggered entry / exit

  • Dancers spaced out 

  • Zero-contact lessons 

  • Masks for adults

  • Visors for staff

  • Smaller class sizes

  •  Waiting arrangements changed

  • Increased ventilation


We have brought in safety measures to help protect our students and staff.​


Compliance with these measures is a condition of participation, and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone failing to comply with them. We will adjust / add to these measures as the pandemic evolves.





If anyone in your home has any of the symptoms of Covid, please do not come to the ballet school, and instead follow the government guidelines. Symptoms include:


  • a new continuous cough

  • a high temperature

  • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)


Your child must arrive on site in their uniform, as changing within the building will not be possible.


Please make sure your child has gone to the toilet before arriving - toilets will be prioritised for handwashing, and some toilets will be out of use.





Queuing for entry will be outside the the front door of the building, with socially distanced spacing. We encourage you to dress for the weather. Dancers may enter.


Parents are required to remain on site during the class, however indoor waiting areas are not available. We encourage parents and family members to consider waiting in their vehicles during the class. There may be a strictly limited amount of indoor socially distanced waiting space, which will be allocated on the basis of need. Please do not expect waiting areas to function in the way they used to. Any adult entering the site must wear a face covering.


We will take your temperature using a no-contact thermometer. Groups with members testing high will be refused entry. It is strictly forbidden to enter the site without having been assessed by a member of staff.


Everyone entering the site must wash and sanitise their hands upon entry.


Dancers will go directly to the dance space.





Socially distanced viewing of the class will be made possible for parents of children doing a trial class, from outside the hall where possible. One adult per child will be admitted, and must wear a face covering.


The dance space and all contact points will be thoroughly cleaned before lessons begin, using antiviral disinfectant and other appropriate products. 


Dancers will be spaced throughout the dance area in line with the latest government advice. Class content has been modified so that distancing is maintained while still following the syllabus (eg no pair or group work).


Staff will wear visors.


Access to some areas of the building will be prohibited. 





At the end of the class, adults collecting children should queue outside the building in an exit line, socially distanced. Children will be brought out individually and presented to their family. Please help us to complete this as quickly as possible. Families must move away from the doors and not congregate, to allow others to enter and leave safely.


Class times will be adjusted to allow safe transition time.


Parents / carers are responsible for the safety of themselves and those in their group at all times, and must take particular care in and around the car park. 















​​In common with the rules for other illness, we cannot offer refunds or credit for classes missed due to quarantine / isolation / Covid.

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